Last week I had a fabulous client visit me from Victoria, he flew in specifically to see me for a beat down session. Now I had seen many punching bags over the years and very much enjoy practicing all my boxing moves on a living person however never one that wanted to be punched in the face. He told me I would probably knock him out to which I quickly said NO WAY! I am not comfortable with that. I dont do choke holds (mostly), KO’s or sleeper holds to KO. He seemed very disappointed. I have come across clients passing out while tied up before and its not a good place for me really! This particular client had been doing this for years and before our session he linked me to some clips of him getting beaten in the face at full force so I knew he was legit. We started the session with me using mma gloves and punching him in the stomach/ ribs/ abdomen as hard as I could using combos of upper cuts, hooks and straight punches. I was enjoying myself for sure! He kept reassuring me to go harder and I had a great satisfaction in seeing him writhe in pain as he could obviously take all I had to give. The face punches came last – I donned the weighted leather gloves we had at the studio which helped me to load the punch even more. I wasn’t shy anymore, in fact I was genuinely excited at the opportunity to beat down this man in this fashion, drawing on all my strength and martial arts training to do it safely. I gave him 7 at about 70% across the jaw. He was seeing stars but at no risk of dropping. I could have gone about 20 more and probably have coped if he KO’d but I figured, why do it all on the first date? I’ve very recently completed my senior first aid certificate again so in a good place to consent to something like this. If my client hadn’t have been so fabulous about reassuring me the correct way to do things, encouraging, relaxed and lovely then I may have been hesitant throughout. I know I have a few human punching bags out there who live locally in Sydney so I think it time to step up to the plate for the next level of submission!
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