I’ve been updating my website and wanted to give a shout out to all the ladies that I have personal connections with that I enjoy working with.

Mistress Serena:

Serena and I are long-term session partners, friends, and playmates. We are available weekdays in Sydney and on weekends with some notice. Serena is a glamorous fetish goddess, wicked, and loves to enjoy herself at your expense.

Mistress Kirra:

I met Mistress Kirra through The Den of Iniquity where we both worked in the very late 90’s. Kirra is a lifestyle dominatrix blessed with a cunning wit and a natural impulse to dominate men.

Mistress Nina Nyx:

Nina is a newer friend of mine who I discovered in the real world and we have become fast friends. She is a truly beautiful and extremely intelligent Mistress with a kind heart. The type that can really break a man. I look forward to touring with Nina in 2024!

I also love working with Tallula Darling and have recently done my first doubles booking with Mistress Jadis – both consummate industry professionals!

There are many more people I love to work with, and I always love to meet new professionals.  I’m looking for a male bull to come in for forced-bi sessions also. Must be versatile.