I am excited to announce that I am training a new apprentice. Her name is Alicia Lashton, and she is a personal friend of mine living in Perth, WA. Alicia will be coming to Sydney for four days of training June 26th – 29th. After that I will be touring Perth August 4 – 7th and Alicia will be observing as many of my tour bookings as possible – I will, of course, be asking for clients consent before this.

Alicia is currently identifying as a switch and has done a number of switch corporal punishment sessions with a favourite client of mine who has described her as being ‘special’! Alicia has come to the decision to train as a Dominatrix through her personal interest in corporal punishment (ask her about her history. It is indeed interesting!) and desire to claim the powerful femininity that she sees as having been quashed by the heinous patriarchy that still defines men’s place in the world.

Over the 3 training days I will be approaching some of you with requests for the utilisation of your bodies. Alicia will be learning high protocol domestic discipline in the classic style, as well as the foundations of BDSM, prostate play and pegging PLUS some wrestling holds because she is a hot, fit and powerful woman, and it is always useful to physically put men in their place!

If you would like book us for a session in Sydney June 26 – 29 or in Perth August 4-7 please email me. Alicia will be available for direct communications at a later date.

Definitely follow Alicia on twitter! here